February 24, 2007

Windfarm Birdstrikes

Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:52:29 +0900
Y. S. told me a related paper: Desholm & Kahlert 2005: 824,1 There is a good example that we would like to know. We should consider whether "<1% of the ducks and geese migrated closed enough to the turbines to be at any risk of collision" is acceptable or not.
We must look for other related cases of windfarms.


Windfarm Birdstrike Problem

Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:54:39 +0900
Thank you very much for a kind and well-organized information.
Now I commit two issues of windfarms in Japan. One is a plan of windfarm (10 turbins) between nest site Katanokamoike pond (Ramsar Convention registered in 1993) and feeding site of migrant Geese, Anser albifrons.
I suspect a possibility that geese will give up the Ramsar pond is more realizable than the population goes to extinct. Therefore we need to analyze a population model with migration (shift to roosting site). Do you know any related studies? I have just census data of crane nests in japan (Izumi and Yashiro, the latter site is near threatened probably because these cranes shift nesting site to Izumi).
We must read your paper, especially on p.29.
Do you know any (positive and non-significant impacts on daily migration of birds) cases of windfarm between feeding site and roosting (nest) site? My graduate student (Hiroshi Sugimoto) has introduced impact on the feeding site of geese (Larsen et al. 2000). Your paper also introduced other examples on p.15. But I would like to know the case of windfarms between feeding site and nest.
If there are some examples with or without significant impacts... We must learn the examples. If there is no example... Some precautionary measure is needed.
Thank you for your help.