June 30, 2007

Sika deer Management Policy Since 1998

Conservation and Management Plan for Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) in Eastern Hokkaido
Guidelines for Wildlife Conservation and Management in Hokkaido
Download Fortran source program

A management policy for sika deer based on sex-specific huntingPublished in Researches on Population Ecology

Abstract: We consider a management policy for a sika deer (Cervus nippon) population in the eastern part of Hokkaido. Deer populations are characterized by a large intrinsic rate of population increase, no significant density effects on population growth before population crash, and relatively simple life history. Our goals of management for the deer population are (1) to avoid irruption with a severe damage on agriculture and forestry, (2) to avoid risk of the extinction of the deer population, and (3) to keep a sustainable yield of the deer. To make a robust program based on uncertain information about the deer population, we consider 3 levels of relative population size and 4 levels of hunting pressures. We consider a critical level for the extinction, an optimal level and an irruption level. The hunting pressure for females is set to increase with the population size. We also recommend to catch males if the population size is between the critical and optimal levels and to catch females and males if the population size is larger than the optimal level. We have to avoid cases of irruption or being threatened under various sets of uncertain parameter values. The simulation results suggest that management based on sex-specific hunting is effective to diminish annual variation in hunting yield.

Aichi EXPO 2005: Committments and Facts

I resigned a member of Advisory Committee for Environmental Impact Assessment of EXPO2005 on March 4, 2002. See the critical problems on EXPO2005
The following report shows how to assess and protect the planned place of EXPO 2005 (Seto, Aichi, Japan) BEFORE Bereau of International Exposition decided the place of EXPO 2005 ("Kaisho" forest). Many people are worried about what actually happens in Kaisho forest.
Official homepage of "Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition"EXPO 2005 News(August 20,1998)
Troisieme Colloque International De L'Aichi Nagoya-Council A Paris mercredi 28 novembre 1996 (in French)
Comments by: the Nature Conservation Committee, the Ecological Society of JapanJapanese Society of Conservation Ecology
BirdLife InternationalWWF Japan
Evolutionary Ecology Research: The Citizen's page
"Accountability, adaptability and falsifiability in the Environmental Impact Assessment for World Exposition 2005 " by Hiroyuki Matsuda
Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology for the 2005 World Exposition, Japan

My sincere condolences on RAM's death

March 28th 2007

I heard a very sad news. Ram died yesterday at 5:20 pm.
We shall make a further advance in CoML as RAM hoped. Please accept my sincere condolences on RAM's death.

The 1st Japanese Okubo Prize Winner

Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 08:16:30 +0900
Dear All

I am very pleased to hear that a clear winner, Dr Fugo Takasu, was decided. I think, he is the first Japanese Okubo Prize winner.


Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 00:18:55 +0900

Dear All

Thank you for advise on our grant proposal. We got a big grant from JSPS: "Global Eco-risk Management from Asian Viewpoints". Best

World Fisheries Congress session 7 abstracts

Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 14:15:20 +0900
Dear AllI uploaded World Fisheries Congress session 7 abstracts (English and Japanese) on http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2008/WFC2008.html#jpn