Coastal fisheries in Shiretoko World Heritage Site
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 00:37:52 +0900
Dear ... all
...Now I am in Shiretoko (World Heritage Site). Now Japanese major newspaper and Japan Ministry of Environment will support Japanese style Fisheries in Shiretoko. [In the Pew Marine Conservation Fellow Meeting 2008 at Costa Rica,] I introduced the Japanese newspaper's editorial article in the above slide as the first leading opinion of major Japanese press that encourages traditional Japanese fisheries insitution, (it also support to introduce IQ/ITQ systems, as supported by other recent Japanese journalisms). Now Community-based management is getting popular also in Japan. Also, I had expected your important role of Japanese salmon fisheries. This is also important in Shiretoko. This is our Japanese mission.
...We usually say to need more management in tunas, however, fishers criticised the 90% reduction of tunas [by Myers & Worm 2003], which is definitely wrong. After the 5th WFC, we definitely say a more sound scientific evaluation.
I also thank Doug Butterworth because you support my opinion in the ending discussion of WFC, I can get more fish sustainably if there are still unexploited living bioresource (I referred to jelly fish and anchovy and lantern fish, you refferred to others).
Japanese have a next big chance in 2010, CoP10 of Convention on Biological DIversity is held in Nagoya.I thank all of you for a big contribution on 5th WFC.