June 2, 2009

Univaside de Catolica

Visit of Professor Hiroyuki Matsuda to PUC, Chile, Activities and Schedule
Lecturing and Discussions with Ph.D students in Ecology
I. Theme 1. Sustainable management of single and multi-species fisheries systems: Two lectures on approaches to sustainable management: single and multi-species systems, based on following papers: 28th, April: 9:30- 12:00
[A44] Kawai H, Yatsu A, Watanabe C, Mitani T, Katsukawa T, Matsuda H (2002) Recovery policy for chub mackerel stock using recruitment-per-spawning. Fish. Sci. 68:961-969.
[A11] Matsuda H, Kishida T, Kidachi, T (1992) Optimal harvesting policy for chub mackerel in Japan under a fluctuating environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 49:1796-1800.
[A71] Matsuda H, Abrams PA (2006) Maximal yields from multi-species fisheries systems: Rules for harvesting top predators and systems with multiple trophic levels. Ecol Appl 16:225-237
[A80] Matsuda H, Abrams PA (2008) Can we say goodbye to the maximum sustainable yield theory? Reflections on trophic level fishing in reconciling fisheries with conservation. in Nielsen JL, Dodson JJ, Friedland K, Hamon TR, Musick J, Verspoor E (eds) Reconciling fisheries with conservation: proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries Congress. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 49, Bethesda, Maryland 737-744
[A83] H. Matsuda, M. Makino, K. Kotani (2008) Optimal fishing policies that maximize sustainable ecosystem services . (K. Tsukamoto, T. Kawamura, T. Takeuchi, T. D. Beard, Jr. and M. J. Kaiser, eds.) Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environment, 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008,TERRAPUB, Tokyo 359-369
[A82] Kotani K, Kakinaka M, Matsuda H (2008) Optimal escapement levels on renewable resource management under process uncertainty: Some implications of convex unit harvest cost. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 9:107-118

28th, April: 15:00- 17:30: Discussion of above papers
II. Theme 2. Predator- Prey systems in fisheries: Two lectures on approaches Predator- Prey systems in fisheries, based on following papers:29th April, 2009: 9:30-12:00
[A89x] Matsuda H, Makino M, Sakurai Y (in press) Development of adaptive marine ecosystem management and co-management plan in Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Site. Biol Cons
[A86] Oyamada S, Ueno Y, Makino M, Kotani K, Matsuda H (2009) Bioeconomic assessment of size separators in Pacific saury fishery. Fisheries Science 75 in press:
Matsuda H, Abrams PA (2004) Effects of predator-prey interactions and adaptive change on sustainable yield. Can J Fish Aq Sci 61:175-184.
Abrams PA, Matsuda H (2003) Population dynamical consequences of reduced predator switching at low total prey densities. Pop Ecol 175-185. http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2006/060918Fuku.ppt

29th April, 2009: 15:00-17:30: Discussion of above papers
III. Theme 3. Risk of extinction in natural populations: Two lectures on evaluation of risk of extinction in natural populations, based on following papers:30th April, 2009: 9:30-12:00:
[A35] Matsuda H, Yahara T, Uozumi Y (1997) Is the tuna critically endangered? Extinction risk of a large and overexploited population. Ecological Research 12:345-356.
Matsuda H (2003) Challenges posed by the precautionary principle and accountability in ecological risk assessment. Environmetrics 14: 245-254.
Oka T, Matsuda H, Kadono Y (2001) Ecological risk-benefit analysis of a wetland development based on risk assessment using `expected loss of biodiversity'. Risk Analysis 21: 1011-1023.

30th April, 2009: 15:00-17:30: Discussion of above papers