October 28, 2010

Role of scientists in IWC is better than in CBD/UNFCCC

Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 02:38:55 +0900
I feel the role of scientists in IWC is much better than CBD. In IWC, conflict between parties may be solved by scientific committee because anti-whalers and pro-whalers exist in SC. I feel scientists in CBD is not reflected in delegates of parties. On 20th side event by Pew Environment Group, I [] agreed to makin MPAs. She said that MPA does not always mean no-take of all fisheries resources but MPA for large pelagics spawning ground is possible. I agree that saving spawners and immatures of bluefin tuna is very important.
My presentation in COP10 side events are:
My related articles:
[A93] Matsuda H, Makino M, Tomiyama M, Gelcich S, Castilla JC (2010) Fishery management in Japan. Ecol Res 25:899-907
[B27x] Makino M, Matsuda H, Sakurai Y (in press) Expanding fisheries co-
management to ecosystem-based management: A case in the Shiertoko World
Natural Heritage area. Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Paper,
United Nations University Press
[B24x] Makino M, Matsuda H (in press) Fisheries Diversity and the Ecosystem-
based Co-management. In (Ommar R, Perry I, Cury P, and Cochrane K, Ed.s)
Coping with Global Changes in Social-Ecological Systems, Wiley-Blackwells :
[B24] Matsuda H (2010) Importance of diversity in foods and culture for
sustainable resource use. Proceedings of International Symposium for the
Convention on Biological Diversity "The role of forest biodiversity in the
sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services in agro-forestry, fisheries,
and forestry" :50-52
[B23] Sakurai Y, Makino M, Matsuda H (2010) Sustainable fisheries in
Shiretoko. Business.2010 (Convention on Biological Diversity Business
Newsletter) 5(3) :32-33
[please contact me if you like to read any of these articles]

October 14, 2010

Dear UNESCO MAB persons
(Please transfer this announcement to related persons and MLs)

Please join us for an afternoon side event of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Japanese activities. October 26, 2010, 13:15pm - 14:45pm, Shirotori Hall, Bldg 4 Floor 1, (simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation provided) food, drink, DVD "Diversity matters, together we care, together we sustain" by UNESCO Jakarta privided
(COP10 ID is required)

I attach a flyer and see for detail on
COP10 will discuss "Living harmony with nature". I believe UNESCO's MAB programme is a long history of a related concept. UNESCO in general and its MAB Programme in particular look forward to playing a central role in the "living harmony with nature" in Nagoya. Therefore, this event is very important for CBD.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan; Japanese National Commission for UNESCO Co-Organizers (undecided): Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB; Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J); Insitute of Advanced Studies, United Nations University;
Ministry of Environment, Japan
Collaborators (undecided): Forestry Agency, Japan; Ecological Society of Japan; Yokohama National Univeristy

We will discuss MAB activities in Japan and the world including Education for Sustainable development, and the relationship with "sustainable use of ecosystem services", in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japanese Ministry of Environment, and United Nations University and Others.

Coordinator: Prof. Kunio Suzuki (Yokohama National University/Japanese National Commission for UNESCO)
13:15 Opening Remarks by Nobuo Fujishima Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan
13:20 Ana Persic(UNESCO MAB-ICC) Keynote 2: Biosphere Reserves - The World Network of Learning Sites for Sustainable Development
13:35 Prof. Katsunori Suzuki (Kanazawa Univ./UN Univ.) Keynote 1: Promotion of ESD through MAB programme
13:50 Panel Discussion theme: Perspective of collaboration and development of MAB and ESD in Japan
Coordinator Hiroyuki Matsuda (Yokohama National Univ.),
Panelists: Katsunori Suzuki, A. Persic, Prof. Hong (Mokpo Nat'l Univ., Korea), Takako Takano (ECOPLUS), ....
14:40 Closing Remarks by Prof. Kunio Suzuki (Yokohama National University/Japanese National Commiission for UNESCO)
This event is supported by MEXT's UNESCO Partnership Programs

Join us!

Hiroyuki Matasuda
Japanese Coodinating Committee for MAB (Chair)

PS: please also join:
Oct. 20. Pew Environmental group "MPA"
Oct. 24. CBD-secretariat/UNU-IAS "Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative"
Oct. 27. Japanese fisheries
see http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2010/MyCoP10.html for detail