I talk about UNESCO's Biosphere Reserves and Carbon offset in "Training for realizing a society in harmony with nature for the JICA-SDBEC Program, on 1 August 2016, at JICA Yokohama:

- Biosphere reserves are models of sustainable development in the WNBR; (see MAB Strategy 2015-2025)
- Indulgence controversy: Some activists disagree with the principle of carbon offsets, likening them to Roman Catholic indul-gences, a way for the guilty to pay for absolution rather than changing their behavior.... Proponents hold that the indulgence analogy is flawed because they claim carbon offsets actually reduce carbon emissions, changing the business as usual, and therefore address the root cause of climate change. (see en.wikipedia.org)
- The end of the Oil Age: “The Stone Age did not end for lack of stone, and the Oil Age will end long before the world runs out of oil.” the quotation is from Sheikh Zaki Yamani, a past oil minister of Saudi Arabia (in 1970’s). Because he believes that something fundamental
has shifted since that first oil shock. Finally, advances in technology are beginning to offer a way for economies, especially those of the developed world, to diversify their supplies of energy and reduce their demand for petroleum, thus loosening the grip of oil and the countries that produce it. (see www.economist.com Oct 23rd 2003) - Ivan the fool and Biodiversity Credit: Ivan‘s wife said to the old devil: “You must excuse my sister-in-law; she will not allow any one to sit at the table whose hands have not been hardened by toil, so you will have to wait until the dinner is over and then you can have what is left… "Ivan: "We all work with our hands." The devil: "And for that reason you are fools, I can teach you how to use your brains, and you will find such labor more beneficial." Ivan was surprised: "Well, it is perhaps not without good reason that we are called fools." The devil: "It is not so easy to work with the brain," (see http://www.bartleby.com/ebook/adobe/3172.pdf)
- Now, Environmental offsets/credits and Payment for Ecosystem Services are good incentives to promote global environment-friendly economy and green ethics.
- It is not indulgence if it really reduces environmental impacts
- But,… we’d like to respect to nature and real ecosystem producers (farmers).