Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2016 21:07:52 +0900
Dear all,
[Pacific Islands fail to agree plan to protect tuna]
I have found one idea for Pacific bluefin.tuna.
If Japan propose to list PBF in CITES Appendix II, Taiwan and other nations cannot export PBF to Japan..Because Japan is the biggest consumer of PBT, other nations did not propose this idea. But Japan can do.
The listing is not my ultimate goal, but Japan can convince other Pacific islands nations to make a consensus of a stronger regulation of PBT fisheries in WCPFC. Therefore, Japan cannot say an excuse that consensus failed because Pacific islands disagreed.
Even though CITES does not agree with this listing. I think Japan can list it in CITES appendix III only by Japanese decision.
Therefore, environmental groups can push Japan to make a leadership for consensus building.